Deadline: 7 July 2017
Do you have innovative ideas to promote the empowerment of women or youth for peace building? If yes, then apply for the PBF Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative #GYPI 2017.
The United Nations Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund’s (PBF) is seeking applications for its Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative #GYPI 2017 with an aim to support the empowerment of women and the advancement of gender equality and recognize the role of young people as central to the relevance and effectiveness of PBF’s overall peacebuilding portfolio.
Through the initiative the PBF seeks to increase its impact and advance the implementation of the Secretary General’s Seven-Point Action Plan on Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding and Security Council resolutions on Women, Peace and Security, as well as Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) on Youth, Peace and Security.
Program Aims
The aims for the Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative are to:
Gender Promotion Initiative
- Strengthen the integration of gender equality and women’s empowerment within existing prevention and peacebuilding initiatives
- Support innovative projects, focused on gender equality and women’s empowerment with the potential for catalytic effect and peacebuilding outcomes
- Contribute to collective operational learning on gender-responsive programming
- Accelerate implementation of the Secretary-General Seven-Point Action Plan and its commitment to increase funding of gender-responsive peacebuilding projects
- Maintain and improve performance against the Secretary-General’s target of allocating a minimum of fifteen per cent of all peacebuilding funding to gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Youth Promotion Initiative
- Strengthen the participation of young women and young men within existing prevention and peacebuilding initiatives
- Support innovative projects, focused on youth empowerment and participation, that have the potential for catalytic effects and peacebuilding outcomes
- Enhance support to youth civil society organizations, and facilitate their partnership with international CSOs, Government and UN entities active in their country
- Contribute to collective operational learning on youth-inclusive programming
- Support the implementation of Security Council resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security.
Eligibility Criteria
- The call for proposals is open to UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes and CSOs in countries declared eligible by the Secretary-General to receive PBF funding in 2017.
- In order to be declared eligible to receive PBF funds under GYPI 2017, CSOs must be assessed as technically, financially and legally sound by the PBF and its Agent and meet the following conditions (proof will be required at application stage1):
- Have previously received funding by the UN, the PBF, or any of the contributors to the PBF
- Be registered as a non-profit, tax exempt organization (in both, the country where headquarter is located and in country of implementation)
- Produce an annual report
- Be able to provide audited financial statements of the last three years
- Provide a letter from an external auditor
- Have an annual budget a minimum of USD 300,000, and at least as much as the total budget of your project proposal
- Have at least 3 years of experience in the country of proposal
How to Apply
The application process for GYPI will be conducted online for all applicants and will be structured in two stages:
- Stage One: Applicants should register and submit their online application electronically.
- Stage Two: UN entities and CSOs whose submission was selected during the first stage have six weeks to develop and submit a full project proposal.
Eligible Countries: Burundi, Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kyrgyzstan, Sri Lanka, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Chad, Yemen.
For more information, please visit Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative.