The Czech Development Agency was established in 2008 by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is focused on design and execution of bilateral development projects.
The main tasks of CzechAID are to identify, formulate, implement and monitor projects in priority partner countries, to award grants to NGOs and to conduct professional training for Czech ODA staff.
CzechAID cooperates with the MFA on the establishment of an institutional framework of the Czech development cooperation and actively participates in the creation of development cooperation programs between the Czech Republic and priority countries as well as on the other stages of the project cycle management.
Focus Areas
- Water and Sanitation
- General Environment Protection
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
- Disaster Prevention and Preparedness
- Social Infrastructure and Services
- Governments and Civil Society Services
- Education
- Health
- Energy Generation and Supply
- Industry Mining and Construction
- Trade and Other Services
- Development Activities
- Placement of Czech Teachers to Developing Countries
- Local Projects such as:
- Strengthening the capacities and partnership of nongovernmental non-profit organizations
- Strengthening the capacities of platforms of non-state actors for development cooperation
- Global development education and awareness
- Support of developing activities of regions and municipalities in the program countries of the Czech Republic′s ODA
- Support of trilateral projects of Czech actors
Focus Countries
Programme Countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Moldova, Mongolia
Project Countries: Cambodia, Georgia, Kosovo, Palestine, Serbia, Zambia
Emergency Assistance: Ukraine
Phase-out Countries: Angola, Yemen, Vietnam
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