Deadline: 9 June 2017
The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is seeking Expression of Interest (EOIs) for its Shaping Inclusive Finance Transformations (SHIFT) Challenge Fund entitled “Linking remittances as a catalyst for financial inclusion and women’s economic empowerment”. The fund will award matching grants to projects offering either an innovative business model or scaling-up of an existing business model for international remittance service delivery for women in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.
The objectives of the SHIFT Challenge Fund Facility Third Window are to address the barriers in women’s access and usage of regulated remittance services, through private sector support. The fund’s incentives intend to enhance the risk/return assessment of financial providers for proposals that demonstrate both innovation and scalability (measured in terms of a viable business plan and outreach).
Grant Information
The Challenge Fund will award the best proposals with matching grants from US$100,000 to US$300,000 covering no more than 50 per cent of the project’s total costs.
Eligibility Criteria
- SHIFT invites proposals from financial and non-financial service providers, microfinance institutions, money transfer operators, digital financial service providers, payment service providers, telcos, post offices, etc. who are licensed to provide remittances or partnered with an entity who is licensed to provide remittances.
- The window will apply the following eligibility criteria:
- Registered companies (financial and non-financial service providers, microfinance institutions, money transfer operators, digital financial service providers, payment service providers, telcos, post offices) who are licensed to or partnered with an entity licensed to provide remittances, from all sectors are eligible;
- Each proposal should address provision of remittance services for women;
- All proposals must meet the current national regulatory requirements;
- The lead applicant should have a minimum of three years of operations and statutory account(s);
- Applicants may be registered in CLMV, Thailand, ASEAN countries, or other foreign countries, provided the project benefits women in CLMV.
- Individuals cannot apply.
How to Apply
Interested applicants must download the application form and send it via email at the address given on the website.
Eligible Countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.
For more information, please visit SHIFT Challenge Fund.