Deadline: 3-Mar-25
The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) funds projects that improve sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) capacity in developing countries to facilitate safe trade.
Funding Information
- The STDF provides up to a maximum of US$1,000,000 for project grant financing.
- The expected value of the in-kind contribution is as follows:
- Applicants from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Other Low-Income Countries (OLICs) should provide at least 10% of the STDF contribution to the project.
- Applicants from Lower Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) should provide at least 20% of the STDF contribution to the project.
- Applicants from Upper Middle-Income Countries (UMICs) should provide at least 60% of the STDF contribution to the project.
- The amount of funding for regional projects varies according to the involvement of LDCs or OLICs. The expected in-kind contribution for regional projects is as follows:
- For regional projects with at least one LDC or OLIC, the in-kind contribution should be equivalent to at least 10% of the STDF contribution to the project.
- For regional projects without an LDC or OLIC, the in-kind contribution should be equivalent to at least 20% of the STDF contribution to the project.
Eligibility Criteria
- The following organizations are eligible to apply for STDF funding:
- Public sector entities (including regional or international bodies) with responsibility for SPS measures or policy, either in their own right or in cooperation with the private sector. The STDF encourages implementation of projects and activities through public private partnerships.
- Private sector entities, either in their own right or in cooperation with the public sector. Examples of private sector entities include legally registered farmers’ organizations, trade and industry associations, etc.
- Non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with expertise in the SPS area and with an organization in the relevant beneficiary country or countries, in co-operation with the public and/or private sector.
- STDF partners.
For more information, visit STDF.