Deadline: 3-Mar-25
The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) provides Project Preparation Grants (PPGs) to help developing countries overcome constraints faced in the articulation of their SPS needs into project proposals that could be funded by the STDF or other donors.
Funding Information
- PPGs are available for up to maximum of US$50,000. If the application is approved, the STDF Secretariat will prepare detailed terms of reference, as well as a detailed budget (up to US$50,000) to carry out the planned activities.
Ineligible Funding
- The STDF does not provide funding for:
- Buildings, vehicles and major equipment items, with the exception of information technology, laboratory and minor equipment items that are necessary to achieve the specific output of the PPG.
- Laboratories. The STDF will only consider funding essential items of equipment needed to upgrade already existing laboratory capacity to achieve the specific output of the PPG. PPG applications that include the purchase of laboratory equipment must explain how this has been considered in relation to current laboratory capacity in the country or region and the presence of trained staff to operate new equipment.
- Basic scientific research.
- Regular staff salaries.
Eligibility Criteria
- The following organizations are eligible to apply for STDF funding:
- Public sector entities (including regional or international bodies) with responsibility for SPS measures or policy, either in their own right or in cooperation with the private sector. The STDF encourages implementation of projects and activities through public private partnerships.
- Private sector entities, either in their own right or in cooperation with the public sector. Examples of private sector entities include legally registered farmers’ organizations, trade and industry associations, etc.
- Non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with expertise in the SPS area and with an organization in the relevant beneficiary country or countries, in co-operation with the public and/or private sector.
- STDF partners.
For more information, visit STDF.