Deadline: 25-Aug-22
CARE has announced the call for applications to support Youth Entrepreneurial Activities owned by legal entities: registered business units and/or non-government organizations (NGOs).
This call for applications is announced for the granting of funds in the frame of the project “Kosovo Youth Participation – KYP”, funded by the European Union and implemented by CARE Deutschland e.V., Office in Kosovo in partnership with local organization SHL-Kosova. CARE Deutschland e.V. has been awarded a grant contract in the frame of the call for proposals: European Commission (Lot 2 –Participatory democracy, youth engagement), which aims to help disadvantaged youth, mobilisation in decision-making, voluntarism and employability.
The overall objective of the KYP Project is to support youth with fewer opportunities, especially young women, from rural areas and small towns of Kosovo, in order to create additional prospects for their increased social and economic participation. The specific objectives of the project are: to increase democratic participation, civic engagement and social inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities, marginalised and/or with different abilities, particularly women.
Focus Areas
- The project focuses on three main components:
- Increased participation of disadvantaged youth in decision making, in local communities, and on the central level.
- Enhanced engagement and employability of marginalized youth, in particular young women, through skills development and involvement in volunteering initiatives.
- Fostered democratic dialogue across Kosovo youth, through raised awareness on and promotion of gender equality, solidarity, inter-cultural relations, and counter stereotypes and disinformation.
Funding Information
- The project will support up to 5 entrepreneurial activities from registered businesses and/or NGOs, with an average grant amount of 8,000 EUR.
- The selection process will take place in the period August – October 2022. Contract signing for the finally selected beneficiaries is expected in October 2022.
- Types of Enterpreneurial Activities to be Supported
- The call will support innovative enterprises/startups, which focus on one or more of the following areas:
- Provision of services that promote youth, mobilization and human rights
- Digital technologies
- Creative production (arts, crafts)
- Youth social entrepreneurship
- Sustainable, green technologies
- Cultural/artistic commercial activities
- Media activities with a commercial component.
- Apart from the feasibility and sustainability all supported entrepreneurial activities need to explain the following:
- How will the proposed project generate youth employment
- How will the proposed project contribute towards the development of the professional capacities of the applicant
- The call will support innovative enterprises/startups, which focus on one or more of the following areas:
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible Applicants
- Officially registered businesses led by youth (aged 18 – 29) and/or
- Officially registered NGOs working in the fields of advancing the role of civil society for social justice, participation, human rights, culture, environment and media with demonstrated record of previous projects with youth in local communities and experience on cooperation with local institutions; applying with a business idea directly engaging youth.
- Ineligible Applicants
- Individuals
- Informal entities
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