Deadline: 3-Mar-21
The Enabel is launching a call for proposals for NGOs whose general objective is to contribute to the economic integration and empowerment of migrants in Morocco, through the management of funding for self-employment initiatives and post support.
The general objective of this call for proposals is:
- Contribute to the economic integration and empowerment of migrants in Morocco, through the management of the financing of self-employment initiatives and post-creation support for people holders of regularized migrant and refugee projects, in the regions of Rabat-Salé-Kenitra & Casablanca-Settat.
The Specific Objectives of this call for proposals for the two targeted regions are:
- At least 150 regularized migrants and refugees are funded for the launch and / or development of their self-employment initiatives and are supported in the post-creation phase.
Funding Information
- The maximum amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 320,000.
- This maximum amount will include the share of funding for self-employment initiatives for people migrants and refugees, i.e. 210,000 EUR Thus, a maximum of 110,000 EUR must correspond to the operating costs and post-creation support service.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicant: In order to be eligible for grants, the applicant must meet the following conditions:
- be a private non-profit legal person;
- have the status of an organization in one of the following categories:
- a non-governmental organization “NGO”,
- an association,
- a foundation, or
- a cooperative.
- have been established in Morocco for at least 4 years,
- be in a regular situation;
- have a mission that falls within the objectives of this call for proposals and consistency with the objectives of the intervention;
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the (s) co-applicant (s)) and not act as an intermediary,
- be able to demonstrate the capacity to manage the funds and activities relating to this call, and;
- have carried out activities in the socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups in Morocco for at least two years, in particular the support activities for entrepreneurship,
- have proven expertise in post-creation support for populations vulnerable
- The applicant can act either individually or with one or more co-applicants
- Partnership with one or more co-applicants is encouraged insofar as its members (applicant and co-applicants) are complementary in terms of skills, technical capacities and geographic coverage (Casablanca-Settat and Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region).
- The potential applicant cannot participate in calls for proposals nor be the beneficiary of subsidies if he is in one of the following situations:
- participation in a criminal organization;
- corruption;
- fraud;
- terrorist offenses, offenses linked to terrorist activities or incitement to commit a such offense, complicity in or attempted such offense;
- money laundering or terrorist financing;
- child labor and other forms of human trafficking.
- occupation of illegally staying third-country nationals.
- constitution or creation of an offshore company
- The exclusion on the basis of this criterion is valid for a period of 5 years from the date of the judgment.
- Co-applicant (s):
- The co-applicant (s) participate (s) in the definition and implementation of the action, and the costs that he (s) incurred (en) t are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the applicant.
- The co-applicant (s) must meet the same admissibility criteria that apply to the applicant himself.
For more information, visit