Deadline: 1-Feb-21
The European Union (EU) has announced a call for proposals for the Promotion of Decent Employment through Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Objectives and Priorities Areas
- The overall objective of this call for proposals is to create decent jobs.
- The specific objectives (SO) of this call for proposals are: to promote entrepreneurship (that generate new companies and self-employment opportunities) and to improve productivity through the promotion of innovation in MYPYMES in increase. Both, in order to meet the global objective of creating decent jobs.
The priorities of this call for proposals are:
- Promote inclusion by focusing on supporting entrepreneurship projects or MSMEs directed by (or with aka participation of) youth and women, particularly those who are indigenous and live in rural areas (especially in those with high rates of poverty, unemployment and / or recurrence of migration). Just as the clue have some disability.
- Support the economic and employment reactivation post-COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account and being in tune and / or complementarity with the “Plan for the economic recovery of Guatemala” presented by IvIDIECO in September 2020.
Funding Information
The total indicative amount assigned to this call for proposals amounts to 4,486,500.00 EUR. The Contracting Body reserves the right not to award all available funds.
Amount of subsidies
The grants requested within this Call for Proposals will be comprised between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- minimum amount: 747,750.00 EUR
- maximum amount: 1,495,500.00 EUR
Eligibility Criteria
Lead applicant(s)
To be eligible for a grant, the principal applicant must:
- be a legal person; and
- have no profit motive; and
- be established in a Member State of the European Union II or in Guatemala, in one of the IPA II Beneficiary States, in any of the countries of the European Economic Area, in developing countries and territories (included in the OECD DAC list of ODA beneficiaries12) that are not members of the G-2013, in overseas countries and territories (OCTs) covered by Council Decision 2013/755 / EU, of November 25, 2013, regarding the association of overseas countries and territories with the European Union;
- be directly responsible, with their co-applicants and other affiliated entities, for the preparation and management of the action and not simply limit themselves to acting as an intermediary;
- be an organization that promotes entrepreneurship, or that supports innovation in MSMEs, or a business and business intermediary organization.
- In order to promote alliances and the formation of consortia, the main Applicant must have at least one Co-Applicant.
- Co-applicants will participate in the design and execution of the action, and the costs they incur will be eligible in the same way as those incurred by the main applicant.
- Co-applicants must meet the eligibility criteria applicable to the main applicant.
- Co-applicant must sign the mandate form.
Affiliated entity(ies)
- The lead applicant and her co-applicant (s) may act with affiliated entities.
- Only the following entities may be considered entities affiliated with the main applicant or the co-applicant (s):
- Only entities that have a structural link with the applicants (i.e. the main applicant or a co-applicant), especially if the link is legal or capital.
- This structural link mainly covers two aspects:
- Control, as defined in Directive 2013/34 / EU on annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and other related reports of certain types of companies:
- Thus, the entities affiliated with an applicant can be:
- Entities controlled directly or indirectly by the applicant (affiliates or top-tier affiliates). They can also be entities controlled by an entity controlled in turn by the applicant (second level endings), and the same applies to subsequent levels of control.
- Entities that directly or indirectly control the applicants (parent companies). Likewise, they could be entities that control an entity that in turn controls the applicant.
- Entities under the same direct or indirect control as the applicant (associated companies).
- Thus, the entities affiliated with an applicant can be:
- Adhesion, is deck, the applicant is legally defined as, for example, network, federation or association in which the proposed affiliated entities also participate, or participates in the same entity (for example, network, federation or association, … ) than the proposed affiliated entities.
- Control, as defined in Directive 2013/34 / EU on annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and other related reports of certain types of companies:
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