Deadline: 12-Jan-22
European Commission is calling for proposals for Innovative Multi-Use Projects Combining Offshore Renewable Energy with other activities and/or with nature protection in the Atlantic.
- Under this call Topic 1, they seek to fund projects that will develop multi-use integrated solutions to offshore renewable energy developments. Multi-use can be understood in the sense of two or more activities operating at the same place and/or one or more activities operating within a nature protection area (e.g. Natura 2000 ). Ideally, projects will integrate both of these two types of multi-use.
- The projects should bring a radical change from the concept of exclusive resource rights to the inclusive sharing of resources by one or more uses. The possible activities to consider for co-existence with marine renewable energy include, amongst others: sustainable aquaculture, ocean observation, fisheries, maritime transport and tourism. A nature protection area can be understood as any form of protection or restoration applied to a specific area with the necessary monitoring and control that it requires.
- Projects and their activities must focus on the Atlantic and include at least two EU Member States in the Atlantic Maritime Strategy (France, Ireland, Portugal and Spain).
- Projects will advance multi-use, integrated offshore renewable energy solutions towards the commercial phase. Activities will vary depending on the maturity of the multi-use concept targeted in the proposal. In their proposals, applicants will describe clearly the chosen concept and its maturity level and the relevant activities they will implement to develop the solutions.
This call topic supports the Atlantic Maritime Strategy priority to develop marine renewable energy. The specific objective is to support the development and uptake of multi-use between marine renewable energies (especially emerging ones such as wave, tidal and floating wind) and other blue economy activities and/or with nature protection (e.g. marine protected areas).
Funding Information
Amount: EUR 1 875 000
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
- be legal entities (public or private bodies)
- be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
- EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
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