Deadline: 15-Nov-20
The Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) is launching a call for proposals to organize People’s Assemblies.
The purpose is for civil society to bring together representatives of the people, especially women, youth, elderly people, marginalized voices including those of migrants and of people with disabilities, to analyze crucial issues and develop key messages and demands for decision makers. The assemblies are also a space to address inequalities and contribute to awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals.
This call is part of the system of sub-grants of the project ‘SDGs and Migration – Multipliers and Journalists Addressing Decision Makers and Citizens in the EU’, which is part of the European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) program.
The People’s Assemblies will be prepared in gatherings organised by communities, constituency groups in cooperation with civil society at local and sub-national level. Representatives will present their perspectives in national, regional and global level. They start to identify their issues and problems, analyse the structural causes, discuss and develop a set of demands, devise remedies and prepare the demands and the roadmap for their engagements to address them.
It could be the meetings done by various identity-based groups and/or thematic groups, or by general public. These are part of a bottom-up process to ensure that marginalized voices (especially migrants) are part of all levels of decision making. They will feed into a Global virtual People’s Assembly planned for 2020/2021.
- To bring together community and constituency representatives from across the country
- Document the perspectives and views and stories presented in the Assembly and for publication, for example as reports, photos, and/or videos.
- Collate and articulate the issues and demands of people emerged from local assemblies and discuss the COVID-19 situation, inequalities and the SDG implementation for marginalised groups
- Develop a declaration with the charter of demands to the government
- Bring in the Parliamentarians and government officials face to face with the people to hear and respond to their demands
- Bring the declaration with the demands, voices and perspectives to the media, for example in a press conference or a press release or by inviting journalists
- Be part of the global process of People’s Assemblies by sending representatives to present the results and the declaration with the charters of demands.
Funding Information
- This call for proposals will award grants up to a maximum of € 5,000 each.
Thematic Priority
- The subsidized actions must be in line with the objectives and priorities of this program for raising awareness of sustainable development, the SDGs and if possible, their connection to migration, and especially a focus on reducing inequalities (SDG 10).
- The goal is to organize People’s Assemblies across Europe (and globally).
Who Participates and speaks?
The focus of the people’s assemblies is to ensure no one is left behind. Invite and encourage representatives especially from:
- Migrants and Refugees;
- Women’s Groups;
- Youth;
- Children’s Groups;
- Older Persons;
- Persons with Disabilities;
- Homeless;
- Roma and Sinti;
- Religious Minorities;
- Ethnic Minorities;
- Other Grassroots Voices.
- Local CS0s/entities operating at the local level;
- National Civil society organizations and networks working on local and national level ;
- In order to be eligible for a sub-grant, applicants must:
- Be a legal person and/or registered entity (registered before 2019);
- Be non-profit making;
- Be established in one of the project countries.
Note: National civil society organisations are eligible if the action involves local groups and people at the grass-roots level. An applicant can submit only one proposal.
For more information, visit