Deadline: 31 January 2017
The Governors’ Climate and Forests Fund (GCFF) is accepting proposals for a thematic Programme “Enhanced Landscape Governance and Capacity” with an aim to reduce deforestation by supporting activities which address key institutional and capacity gaps identified in each GCF Task Force jurisdiction. Through this funding window, jurisdictions may choose to build technical capacities in any of the following aspects of forest and landscape governance
- Policy, legal, institutional, and regulatory frameworks.
- Planning and decision-making processes.
- Enforcement and compliance.
Funding Information
Projects funded under this RFP will range from USD 250,000 – 650,000. Projects duration should be between 12 – 36 months.
Eligibility Criteria
- A wide range of organizations accredited or undergoing accreditation to the GCFF are eligible to apply for funding under this RFP including international, national, and local non-profit organizations; research institutions and universities; as well as governmental institutions.
- The GCFF aims to exclusively support activities within the 26 tropical forest jurisdictions that were already GCF Task Force members before the start of the 2016 GCF Task Force Annual Meeting.
- Jurisdictions that were inaugurated as new GCF Task Force members during the 2016 Annual Meeting will only eligible for funding under extraordinary circumstances where initiatives show strong likelihood to leverage substantial funding or significantly reduce emissions from deforestation. Therefore, new member jurisdictions are encouraged to join proposals presented by eligible members to participate in GCFF funded projects that address collective needs. Jurisdictions that possess Observer Status in the GCF Task Force by the deadline of the RFP are not eligible for this call.
- The governments of Catalonia and California are invited to join submissions presented by tropical jurisdictions. These joint proposals must demonstrate the benefits anticipated from collaboration with the GCF Task Force network in reducing tropical deforestation such as technical cooperation and increased access to finance for the tropical member states.
- The GCFF highly recommends that prospective applicants contact the GCF Task Force delegate within the jurisdiction of their interest to discuss their intent to collaborate before preparing a project proposal or initiating the accreditation process.
How to Apply
Interested applicants must submit their proposals via e-mail at the address given on the website.
Eligible Countries:
- Brazil (Acre, Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondônia, Tocantins)
- Ivory Coast (Belier, Cavally)
- Indonesia (Aceh, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Papua, West Kalimantan, West Papua)
- Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Jalisco, Tabasco, Quintana roo
- Nigeria (Cross river state)
- Peru (Amazonas, Loreto, Madre de dios, San martin)
For more information, please visit GCFC Request for Proposals.