Deadline: 29-May-23
The European Commission has launched a call for proposals that contributes to reducing inequalities in Tajikistan in the context of sustainable development, in particular by pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), therefore improving the quality of life in a more equitable and democratic society.
The specific objective for the Thematic Programme on HR&D (Lot 1) is to support CSOs in their capacities as recognized actors in the process of democratic governance, and promotion and protection of human rights.
Specifically, the Thematic Programme on HR&D (Lot 1) will focus primarily on:
- Supporting freedom of media, access to information and fight against disinformation, also with respect to new technologies and digital rights
- Contributing to eradication of torture and supporting penitentiary system reform
- Supporting actions to fight discrimination, including promoting gender equality and women’s rights
The specific objective for CSO Thematic Programme (Lot 2) is to strengthen CSOs in Tajikistan through actions contributing to promoting their participation in the improvement of good governance for equitable and sustainable growth.
Specifically, CSO Thematic Programme (Lot 2) will focus primarily on:
- Strengthening CSOs and an enabling environment for their operation, with specific emphasis on youth and youth CSOs.
- Supporting CSOs to benefit from digital transformation and in their work on strengthening citizens’ digital skills, in order to create employment opportunities especially for the youth.
- Supporting CSOs’ actions with marginalised groups, particularly people with disabilities.
Priorities for both Lots:
- The objectives of the proposed actions must be consistent with the overall objective of the call, with the specific objective of the chosen Lot and with areas listed.
- Priority will be given to proposals:
- Building the managerial and technical capacities of local NGOs, especially those active at grassroot level ;
- Drafted and implemented by/with the coalition/consortium of local CSOs
- Demonstrating a good intervention logic and providing for a rigorous results’ monitoring system
- Actions that use the Global Europe Results Framework in their logical frameworks of submitted proposals;
- Applicants are strongly recommended to get familiarized with OPSYS – European Commission’s new operational system – that will be used for reporting on the results and monitoring of the actions.
- All projects will have to integrate the “gender” dimension and the human rights-based approach, in accordance with the new European Consensus on Development.
- Thematic Programme on HR&D (Lot 1):
- Support to Human Rights Defenders, including the promoting of a safe and enabling environment for civil society;
- Improvement of the legal and financial framework regarding CSOs and HRDs;
- Capacity building trainings for local actors, such as media professionals, security forces, and the judiciary to ensure freedom of media;
- Awareness rising campaigns and activities aimed at reinforcing dialogue, cooperation and partnership among journalists, media professionals, human rights NGOs and authorities focusing on the use of new technologies and digital skills;
- Monitoring of detention centres, training for judges and defence lawyers, undertaking specialized measures related to identification, documentation, reports and referrals for legal, medical, and mental health services;
- Actions to fight, prevent, and report on the torture issues and support the victims of torture;
- Provision of psychosocial, medical, legal assistance, and security measures (including digital) to human rights defenders;
- Actions to fight violence against women and girls, information campaigns for promotion of gender equality, activities in schools, actions to promote women literacy and empowerment;
- Documenting and reporting on cases of human rights violations;
- Actions to promote the inclusion of women, youth, and other marginalised groups into formal and informal decision-making structures;
- Actions to support and protect victims of sexual and gender based violence;
- Actions to uphold the rule of law, including through the contribution to development of legislation and mechanisms on ensuring fair trial;
- Fight against the disinformation and promotion of ethical journalism;
- Protection of and enhancing professional skills of journalists, bloggers, and other media professionals;
- Countering misuse and abuse of digital and new technologies in media space.
- CSO Thematic Programme (Lot 2):
- Actions to promote good governance and the rule of law;
- Actions to support Civic engagement, involvement of youth, women and minorities in CSOs activities as well as membership and volunteering;
- Actions to promote networking and partnerships among NGOs;
- Actions to increase self-esteem among young people, self-analysis and presentation through communication skills, teamwork, activation and responsibility;
- Actions to raise civic participation and form social responsibility among young people;
- Trainings for youth to promote digital literacy and digital skills aimed at increasing employment and actions to promote computing and science skills even at primary school level;
- Actions to raise citizens’ awareness on the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as provision of skills and vocational trainings, promotion of self-employment for persons with disabilities;
- Actions to enhance capacities of CSOs and Local Authorities to apply the legal framework to support people with disabilities to access services and social benefits;
- Actions for effective and transparent coordination and support the civil society and community role in sustainable social service provision to people with disabilities.
Funding Information
- The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 3 070 000:
- For Thematic Programme on HR&D (Lot 1): EUR 1 170 000,
- For CSO Thematic Programme (Lot 2): EUR 1 900 000
- Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- Thematic Programme on HR&D (Lot 1)
- minimum amount: EUR 200 000
- maximum amount: EUR 400 000
- CSO Thematic Programme (Lot 2)
- minimum amount: EUR 400 000
- maximum amount: EUR 600 000
- Thematic Programme on HR&D (Lot 1)
- Duration: The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 24 months nor exceed 36 months for both Lots.
Location: Actions must take place in Tajikistan, without prejudice for trainings or exchange actions taking place in other countries.
Eligibility Criteria
- In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant for both Lots must:
- be a legal person and
- be non-profit-making and
- be a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organisation (NGO) or network of non-governmental organisations and be established in Tajikistan or in a Member State of the European Union or in countries as stipulated in the basic act NDICI-GE17 and
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the coapplicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
- The lead applicant must act with co-applicant(s) as specified hereafter
- However, if the lead applicant is not established in Tajikistan but in an EU Member State or in countries as stipulated in the basic act NDICI-GE18 it must act with at least two co-applicants established in Tajikistan
- Co-applicant(s) for both Lots
- Co-applicants participate in designing and implementing the action, and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the lead applicant.
- Co-applicants must satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to the lead applicant himself.
- Co-applicants must sign the mandate.
- If awarded the grant contract, the co-applicant(s) (if any) will become beneficiary(ies) in the action (together with the coordinator)
- In addition, please note that contracts cannot be awarded to or signed with applicants included in the lists of EU restrictive measures.
- Affiliated Entities
- The lead applicant and its co-applicant(s) may act with affiliated entity(ies).
- Only the following entities may be considered as affiliated entities to the lead applicant and/or to coapplicant(s):
- Only entities having a structural link with the applicants (i.e. the lead applicant or a co-applicant), in particular a legal or capital link.
- This structural link encompasses mainly two notions:
- Control, as defined in Directive 2013/34/EU on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings:
- Entities affiliated to an applicant may hence be:
- Entities directly or indirectly controlled by the applicant (daughter companies or first-tier subsidiaries). They may also be entities controlled by an entity controlled by the applicant (granddaughter companies or second-tier subsidiaries) and the same applies to further tiers of control;
- Entities directly or indirectly controlling the applicant (parent companies). Likewise, they may be entities controlling an entity controlling the applicant;
- Entities under the same direct or indirect control as the applicant (sister companies).
- Entities affiliated to an applicant may hence be:
- Control, as defined in Directive 2013/34/EU on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings:
- Membership, i.e. the applicant is legally defined as a e.g. network, federation, association in which the proposed affiliated entities also participate or the applicant participates in the same entity (e.g. network, federation, association,…) as the proposed affiliated entities.
For more information, visit EC.