Deadline: 01-Nov-2024
The Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) is pleased to announce Indigenous Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility Training to support eligible applicants to enhance cultural safety and cultural humility in the delivery of local emergency management programs and services.
This includes increasing opportunities to educate emergency management personnel, those training to become emergency management professionals, and others working in the emergency management system on the history of Indigenous Peoples, as well as the concepts of cultural safety, cultural humility, and their relevance to Indigenous Peoples.
Intended learning outcomes must be in the context of emergency management and could include:
- Recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ unique connection to the land and the concept of Indigenous worldviews and knowledge.
- Identifying key historic events marking the history of Crown-Indigenous relations in Canada.
- Recognizing the concept of intergenerational trauma and resiliency and how it affects contemporary Indigenous Peoples.
- Improved individual and collective abilities to work effectively with Indigenous Peoples.
- Identifying, discussing, and addressing individual and structural barriers to reconciliation.
Funding Information
- The Indigenous Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility Training funding stream can contribute a maximum of 100% of the cost of eligible activities to a maximum of $40,000.00.
Eligible Projects
- To qualify for funding, proposed activities must demonstrate the extent to which proposed project(s) will provide emergency management personnel with Indigenous cultural safety and cultural humility training.
- In addition, to qualify for funding, projects must be:
- A new or a subsequent phase of a project (retroactive funding is not available.
- Capable of completion by the applicant within one year from the date of grant approval.
- Where applicable, eligible for required approvals, authorizations and permits.
- In alignment with the First Nations Health Authority Policy Statement on Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility.
Eligible Activities
- Relationship Building
- Relationship building between local governments and Indigenous Peoples in advance of training, such as meetings and dialogue required to identify training needs.
- Training for Emergency Management Personnel
- Development of training materials required to support local cultural safety and cultural humility training.
- Training, such as:
- The history and legacy of residential schools
- The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Crown-Indigenous relations
- Skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and antiracism
- OCAP Training
Eligibility Criteria
- All First Nations (bands and Treaty First Nations) and local governments (municipalities and regional districts) in BC are eligible to apply.
- Eligible applicants can submit one application per funding stream intake. This includes applying as a partnering applicant in a regional application.
- For the purpose of CEPF funding, the following agencies are able to act as a primary applicant:
- An emergency management organization that is created by a regional district service establishing By law and approved by the Province of BC may act as the primary applicant on behalf of eligible applicants that participate in the established emergency management service. When acting as a primary applicant on behalf of eligible applicants, the regional emergency management organization may submit more than one application per funding stream intake provided that each eligible First Nation or local government that is included as a sub-applicant is only funded once per intake.
- An Indigenous governing body with authority for emergency management may act as the primary applicant on behalf of eligible First Nations. The Indigenous governing body may submit more than one application per funding stream intake provided that each eligible First Nation that is included as a sub-applicant is only funded once per intake.
For more information, visit UBCM.