Deadline: 7-Jul-23
The U.S. Mission to the European Union’s Office of Public Affairs (USEU PA) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program.
This is an Annual Program Statement, outlining their funding priorities, the strategic themes they focus on, and the procedures for submitting requests for funding.
Purpose of Small Grants:
USEU PA invites proposals for programs that strengthen ties between the U.S. and the EU through programming which highlights shared values and promotes greater transatlantic cooperation. All programs must include an American cultural element, or connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives.
Priority Program Areas: USEU PA invites proposals for projects designed for EU audiences that help the U.S Mission to the EU:
- Reaffirm a revitalized U.S.-EU partnership that addresses global and regional threats and challenges;
- Emphasize how the transatlantic economy boasts deeper trade, investment, and energy cooperation, and presents a united front against non-market and coercive economic practices;
- Demonstrate how the U.S.-EU partnership promotes strengthened democracy, human rights, and rule of law globally; align U.S. and EU foreign policy and security goals to counter democratic and rule of law backsliding, rising authoritarianism, malign influence, and disinformation; increase support for independent and plural media ecosystems and civil society engagement;
- Re-imagine transatlantic solutions to secure ambitious climate mitigation and adaptation outcomes in support of the Paris Agreement implementation and transatlantic priorities;
- Stimulate U.S.-EU partnership to set the norms and standards that will govern emerging technologies;
- Demonstrate how the U.S.-EU partnership coordinates transatlantic policies for the Indo-Pacific, the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, and Latin America on shared global challenges;
- Strengthen the transatlantic alliance by ensuring principals of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility are upheld in policy development, programming and hiring to affirmatively advance civil rights, racial justice, gender parity, and equal opportunity.
Funding Information
- Award amounts: awards may range from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $50,000.
- Length of performance period: 6 to 18 months.
Types of Activities
- USEU PA seeks projects engaging EU policymakers, opinion shapers, and publics on the topics through a transatlantic lens. USEU encourages new and creative approaches that utilize digital technologies and innovative means to meeting the goals of the project and program. Projects should be carried out in Brussels and in EU Members States and may include a U.S component. Proposals may include but are not limited to:
- Conferences, public debates and moderated discussions.
- Workshops, exchanges, and events.
- Training seminars featuring U.S. Government (USG) officials or non-USG individuals (not including travel costs for USG officials.)
Participants and Audiences
- Successful proposals will emphasize the ability to deliver clear messages to selected audiences and that seek to reflect diversity of thought and backgrounds.
- Applicants must be legally recognized non-profit, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks, or academic institutions that comply with U.S and EU requirements and have a proven track record of developing and implanting programs in the EU environment.
Eligibility Criteria
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education.
- The following types of programs are not eligible for funding:
- Programs relating to partisan political activity;
- Charitable or development activities;
- Construction programs;
- Programs that support specific religious activities;
- Fund-raising campaigns;
- Lobbying for specific legislation or programs;
- Scientific research;
- Programs intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of the organization; or
- Programs that duplicate existing programs.
For more information, visit