Deadline: 31 December 2018
Applicants are invited to apply for International Peacemakers’ Fund to provide financial support to grassroots initiatives that work towards peace and reconciliation in war torn communities around the globe.
The Fellowship of Reconciliation’s (FoR) International Peacemakers’ Fund (IPF) was created to provide financial support to international communities: experiencing violent conflict; in a process of recovery after the cessation of violent conflict; in which violent conflict is likely to start. Priority is given to projects in keeping with the aims and values of FoR. Projects must therefore be committed to organizing for nonviolent social change, and utilise the methodology and principles of active nonviolence, conflict transformation, and systemic peacebuilding to work for justice and reconciliation.
What they do not fund
- Individuals, including travel bursaries, study, and overseas payments
- Academic Research
- Capital Projects (e.g. building projects, land purchase, etc.)
- International agencies and overseas appeals
- General humanitarian relief projects, e.g. provision of food or medical aid
- The same organisation two years in succession.
Selection Criteria
- Project Focus: What is/are the specific area(s) of community work and development that the project is seeking to address? This will help FoR approach other UK-based charities on the applicant’s behalf who specialise in that particular area of work. Priority is given to those applications that can clearly demonstrate the use of the principles and strategies of Active Nonviolence and peace-making.
- Project Beneficiaries: Applicants must clearly demonstrate who the beneficiaries of the project are, in terms of geographical location; age; gender; economic circumstances, etc.; and a plan to publicise and market the project in the selected community. Applicants must be clear about: who will benefit from the project; how will the project seek the participation of the community; which members of the community will benefit; how will participants be selected?
- Community-based Projects: Priority will be given to local peacemakers working at the grassroots level within the communities experiencing conflict, who otherwise may find it difficult to raise funds from other sources.
- SMART Objectives: Projects must demonstrate SMART Objectives Specific – objectives should specify what they want to achieve.
- Measurable – applicant must be able to measure whether their objectives have been met.
- Achievable – make sure applicant can achieve their objectives.
- Realistic – applicant must be properly resourced to attain their objectives
- Time – when do you want to achieve your objectives? Have you left enough time?
- Other funders: While priority is given to smaller community-based projects that find it difficult to raise funds, if applicant has raised funds from other sources please let us know – particularly if an IPF grant is being requested to supplement a larger, costlier project. Do also inform us if an IPF grant enables applicant to complete a funding target and give applicant the financial resources to begin peace-building.
- Strategic Partners: Priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate they are engaging with the community through a variety of local partners – particularly working ecumenically with local churches, interfaith groups, other NGO’s and, where possible, in partnership with local government.
- Project Start Date: Applicants Project must start in 2019. If it does not end in 2019 applicant need to be clear of the project duration in their application, including how it is to be resourced beyond 2019.
How to Apply
Applicants can apply via given website.
For more information, please visit