Deadline: 9 August 2019
The Weeden Foundation is currently accepting a letter of Inquiry from organizations for its various funding programs in order to protect biodiversity.
The Foundation works to protect old-growth forests, expand habitats for endangered species on public and private lands, and link key wildlife corridors.
The Weeden Foundation has supported International and Domestic Population Stabilization projects based on the rationale that an increasing population causes greater impact on the environment and loss of biodiversity.
Funding Areas
- Domestic Biodiversity Program
- International Biodiversity Program
- Land Acquisition Program
- Population Program
- Consumption Program
Funding Information
The average grant size is between $15,000 and $20,000, and only under exceptional circumstances do grants exceed $20,000.
Eligible Projects
The Foundation funds projects that:
- advocate for increased federal funding of family planning services
- promote reduction of immigration levels (immigration currently accounts for the majority of U.S. population growth);
- investigate the impacts of population-driven sprawl on adjacent wild areas
- financial statements (preferably audited)
- list of Board of Directors and their affiliations
- IRS tax exemption 501(c)(3) certification letter or an equivalency document for non-U.S. based organizations (obtained in-country)
- project budget
- organizational budget
- other sources and amounts of institutional support (past, present, and anticipated future); and
- qualifications of key personnel
How to Apply
- The Foundation requires that new applicants (not current grantees) submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) via email.
- Returning applicants (who received a grant the previous year) do not need to submit a LOI.
For more information, please visit