2nd Incubators Open Call: REINFORCING Project on Balkans
Deadline: 30-May-24
Applications are now open for the 2nd Reinforcing on Balkans to strengthen ORRI within the Balkan area engaging institutions to commit to understanding and implementing ORRI principles and practices…[more]
Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue Grant Facility Programme
Deadline: 17-Jun-24
Implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) through funding from the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) of the European Commission (EC), the “Support Programme to the Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue” (MMD) aims at supporting the orderly, safe and responsible migration and mobility of people within Africa and between Africa and Europe…[more]
“Youth4Regions” Programme for Aspiring Journalists
Deadline: 8 July 2024
The European Commission (EC) has announced the Youth4Regions, a programme helping journalism students and young journalists to discover what the EU is doing in their region…[more]
Call for Applications: Climate Change Adaptation Program
Deadline: 17-Sep-2024
The European Commission is seeking applications for the Programme for Environment and Climate Action under the topic Climate Change Adaptation…[more]
Grants to support Projects in fields of Nature & Biodiversity and Circular Economy & Quality of Life
Deadline: 19-Sep-24
The European Commission is pleased to launch a call for proposals for EU action grants in the fields of Environment under the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)…[more]
Join the EU Youth Empowerment Fund as a Youth Panellist
Deadline: 31-May-2024
Are you interested in supporting young people worldwide to implement their local solutions to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals? This is your chance! Join the EU Youth Empowerment Fund (YEF) through the Global Youth Mobilization (GYM) as a Youth Panellist…[more]
Open call for Enterprise Europe Network Programme
Deadline: 19 September 2024
The European Commission is seeking applications for the Enterprise Europe Network Programme under the Single Market Programme (SMP)…[more]
Call for Proposals: Promote Worldwide a European way to Digital Innovation Rooted in Culture
Deadline: 15-Jul-2024
The European Commission (EC) has launched the call for proposals to promote worldwide a European way to digital innovation rooted in culture…[more]
Call for Proposals: Clean Energy Transition Plans and Strategies in Municipalities and Regions
Deadline: 19-Sep-2024
The European Commission is offering grants for clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions under the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)…[more]
Open Call for ERA Talents Programme
Deadline: 26-Sep-2024
The European Commission is seeking applications for the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) under the topic ERA Talents…[more]
Call for Applications: Project Development Assistance for Sustainable Energy Investments
Deadline: 19-Sep-2024
The European Commission is seeking applications for the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) under the topic Project Development Assistance for Sustainable Energy Investments…[more]
CFAs: Supporting Consumer Education, Awareness Raising and Local Advice to Consumers
Deadline: 06-Jun-24
The European Commission (EC) is offering grants to protect, empower and assist consumers, in particular those who are the most vulnerable, by enhancing their skills, and knowledge, by providing local advice, by raising awareness of their rights, obligations, and choices in the market…[more]
Open Call: Circular Economy and Quality of Life – Standard Action Projects (Environment Governance)
Deadline: 19-Sep-2024
The European Commission is accepting applications for the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) under the topic Environment Governance…[more]
EU Action Grants: Accelerating the Best Use of Technologies
Deadline: 24 September 2024
Proposals are being invited for the EU action grants in the field of Accelerating the Best Use of Technologies under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)…[more]
Call for Applications: Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) – Project Grants
Deadline: 19 September 2024
The European Commission is seeking applications for the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) under the topic real world energy consumption of energy-related products…[more]
Request for Applications: Alleviating Household Energy Poverty in Europe
Deadline: 19-Sep-2024
The European Commission is seeking applications for the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) under the topic Alleviating household energy poverty in Europe…[more]
Call for Proposals: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)
Deadline: 06-Jun-24
The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is seeking applications for Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)…[more]
Open Call: Developing Support Mechanisms for Energy Communities
Deadline: 19-Sep-2024
The European Commission is inviting applications for developing support mechanisms for energy communities under the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)…[more]
Call for Proposals: Use Cases for the UNCAN.eu Research Data Platform
Deadline: 18/09/24
The European Commission (EC) is seeking proposals to operationalise the UNCAN.eu research data platform foreseen in the Cancer Mission implementation plan, through a series of use-cases…[more]
CFPs: Support Dialogue towards the Development of National Cancer Data Nodes
Deadline: 18/09/24
The European Commission (EC) is accepting proposals to advance the process of establishing National cancer data nodes, by the scaling-up or improvement of existing national health data infrastructures and by fostering their links to the European Health Data Space infrastructures for primary and secondary data uses…[more]
Improving the late-effects in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
Deadline: 18/09/24
The European Commission is seeking applications to increase awareness and improve understanding of the incidence, severity, and impact of late effects in AYA cancer survivors among healthcare providers, patients, caregivers and the general public…[more]
Call for Proposals: European Cancer Patient Digital Centre
Deadline: 18/09/24
The European Commission (EC) is pleased to announce a call for proposals to design, develop, deploy and operate a pilot information portal of the ECPDC to support the information needs of patients, survivors and caregivers and covering all the spectrum of the cancer patient journey…[more]
Call for Proposals: Fighting against Impunity in Fiji
Deadline: 15-Aug-2024
The European Commission has announced a call for proposals that contribute to justice and the rule of law in Fiji through increased accountability for human rights violations and abuses…[more]
Call for Proposals to enhance the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in The Gambia
Deadline: 26-Jun-2024
The European Commission has launched the call for proposals to empower persons with disabilities in The Gambia by promoting their inclusion, accessibility of public spaces, and socio-economic participation…[more]
Cross-border Programme North Macedonia – Albania under Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III)
Deadline: 26-Jun-2024
The European Commission is seeking proposals to promote good neighbourly relations, foster Union integration and contribute to social, economic and territorial development of the programme cross-border area by improving environment protection and disaster response, and developing sustainable natural and cultural tourism…[more]
CFPs: Human Rights and Democracy & NDICI Civil Society-Country level support for Bangladesh
Deadline: 03-Jul-2024
The European Commission is accepting proposals from civil society organisations that contribute to sustainable development, human rights and democracy as independent actors of good governance and development in their own right…[more]
Civil Society Organizations and Human Rights & Democracy Program – El Salvador
Deadline: 01-Jul-2024
The European Commission is seeking proposals to contribute to the full enjoyment of all human rights and strengthen the capacities of civil society in the promotion of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms in El Salvador…[more]
Call for Proposals: Agro-Forestry for Timor-Leste
Deadline: 01-Jul-2024
The European Commission has launched a call for proposals to promote green development and climate action in Timor Leste…[more]
Civil Society Capacity-Building Programme in South Sudan
Deadline: 28-Jun-2024
The European Commission is seeking applications to strengthen local CSOs as independent actors of governance and development of their own rights to engage as actors of good governance and development in South Sudan..[more]
Call for Proposals: Support to Human Rights, Democracy and Civil Society in Jordan 2024
Deadline: 30-May-24
The European Commission (EC) has launched the call for proposals to contribute to an inclusive, participatory, empowered, and independent civil society in Jordan as well as an inclusive and open dialogue with and between civils society organisations…[more]
EC launches Call for Local CSOs to promote Equity and Innovation in Food
Deadline: 6-Jun-24
The European Commission (EC) has announced the call for proposals to empower local CSOs as independent actors in the establishment and governance of sustainable, responsible and nutritious food systems in Malawi, thereby fostering increased availability, access, and consumption of quality, safe, nutritious and appropriately fortified foods and infant food, especially for children under five…[more]
Call for Proposals: Human Rights and Democracy (Trinidad and Tobago)
Deadline: 20/06/24
The European Commission is pleased to announce a call for proposals to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development; provide access to justice for all; and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels in Trinidad and Tobago…[more]
Call for Proposals: Empowering Kenyan Youth, Civil Society and independent Media Organisations
Deadline: 07-Jun-24
The European Commission (EC) has announced a call for proposals is to strengthen the capacity and voice of Kenyan civil society and human rights organisations as independent actors of accountability and governance through deepening their participation in national and/or sub-national policy and democratic reforms discussions in the main areas of EU-Kenya partnership…[more]
CFPs: Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) – Technical Assistance for Replication
Deadline: 18-Sep-24
The European Commission is pleased to launch a call for proposals for EU action grants in the fields of Environment under the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)…[more]
Call for Proposals: Support to Civil Society initiatives in the Kyrgyz Republic
Deadline: 13/06/24
The European Commission (EC) is seeking proposals to strengthen CSOs as independent actors to operate sustainably and provide development assistance to the population while promoting an inclusive dialogue on policy issues and contributing to the delivery of public services…[more]
Call for Proposals: Support to Civil Society in Eswatini
Deadline: 05-Jun-24
The European Commission is seeking proposals for a funding opportunity to contribute to an inclusive and equal participation of CSOs in Eswatini, in particular CSOs active in promoting an enabling environment for women and youth and vulnerable groups, and to an inclusive and open dialogue among civil society, local authorities and the private sector…[more]
Call for Proposals: Support for the Circular Economy in El Salvador
Deadline: 12/06/24
The European Commission (EC) has announced a call for proposals to promote the development of sustainable and circular economy models in SMEs in El Salvador…[more]
EC Active Citizenship Program (Mozambique)
Deadline: 2-Jul-24
The European Commission has announced a call for proposals under its Active Citizenship Program to improve the participation of citizens and CSOs, including representation of women, youth and people with disabilities, in democratic processes (Specific Objective), contributing to strengthening inclusive and participatory democracy in Mozambique…[more]