Deadline: 27 July 2020
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) the international cooperation agency of the United Nations System, is inviting civil society organizations and academic entities (Universities, Study Centers, Professional Networks, NGOs, among others) to submit proposals to implement an initiative of: “ Generation of evidence of what works and what does not work in the matter of GBV prevention”, based on a rigorous exercise of mapping, analysis and systematization of experiences of GBV prevention in countries of the Latin American and Hispanic Caribbean Region, in order to generate evidence, technical and practical guidelines, and lessons learned regarding what works and what does not work in the area of GBV prevention.
The objective of this initiative is to improve the effectiveness in the prevention of gender violence, through the permanent contribution of information, knowledge, practices, evidence and innovations that are identified, systematized and analyzed to develop technical guidelines based in evidence that allow governments, CSOs and cooperation international and make adaptations or contextualizations of strategies and interventions at the LAC country level to improve policies and GBV prevention strategies.
The process is expected to be a broad process with participation and multi-level and multi-stakeholder involvement involving United Nations system, government agencies responsible for the prevention of gender violence, NGOs specialized in the subject, Human rights defenders of women, networks and reference groups, women’s movements, non-traditional partners and academy.
Scope & Duration
- The scope of the proposal is expected to be regional for Latin America and the Hispanic Caribbean.
- The duration of the proposal will be approx. 10 months in phases 1 and 2 detailed below. (Later, a 3rd phase will be specified that allow to continue the research and dissemination process, however, This call for proposals is framed only in phases 1 and 2).
- Phase I: Proposal, mapping and systematization of experiences of GBV prevention (September 2020 to March 2021).
- Conceptual and methodological proposal that includes the Schedule for the implementation of the strategy in your integrity.
- Mapping of GBV prevention experiences in the region
- Systematization of GBV prevention experiences, identifying innovative and effective strategies
- Phase II: Strategy for political dialogue, advocacy and dissemination of results (March – June 2021)
- Development and implementation of a political dialogue strategy and advocacy with governmental, intergovernmental and CSOs at the regional, subregional and national levels, which can be taken to conducted in conjunction with UNS and GBV prevention reference group.
- Formulation and implementation of a dissemination strategy and socialization of the evidence generated.
The expression of interest must include the following digital documentation:
- Copy of the legal status provisions of the academic entity and / or university, study center or NGO.
- Last annual report of the organization
- Last audit report
For more information, visit