(December 2020)
Spencer Foundation: Large Research Grants on Education Program
Deadline: 15-Jan-21
The Spencer Foundation has announced the Large Research Grants on Education Program. The Large Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education…[more]
Motorola Solutions Foundation announces 2021 Grant Program ($50,000)
Deadline: 1-Feb-21
The Motorola Solutions Foundation has announced its 2021 Grant Program with an aim to partner with organizations that are creating safer cities and thriving communities, and prioritizes underrepresented populations, including people of color and females…[more]
Jacobs Foundation’s Research Fellowship Program to improve development of Children and Youth
Deadline: 11-Jan-21
The Jacobs Foundation has launched Research Fellowship Program – a globally competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers whose work is dedicated to improving the development, learning, and living conditions of children and youth…[more]
2021 WISE Prize for Education to Raise Global Awareness
Deadline: 1-Feb-21
Applications are now open for the WISE Prize for Education to raise global awareness of the crucial role of education in all societies and create a platform for innovative and practical solutions that might help alleviate some of the challenges which education faces around the world…[more]
Applications Open for 2021 Study Master’s in Europe Scholarship
Deadline: 17-May-21
Applications are now open for the 2021 Study Master’s in Europe Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded for the Fall 2021 semester onwards, and is open to students from any country who will be studying a master’s degree abroad at a European university or graduate school…[more]
Rapid Research and Learning Fund: Inviting Medium and Small Scale Research Projects
Deadline: 31-Jan-21
The Independent Evaluator of the Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II is inviting proposals for its Rapid Research and Learning Fund (RRLF) to examine issues pertaining to girls’ education in crisis situations including but not limited to COVID-19…[more]
U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Kazakhstan announces 2021 TechGirls Program
Deadline: 15-Jan-21
The Youth Programs Division, Office of Citizen Exchanges, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), is pleased to announce the 2021 TechGirls program for high school-aged girls from the Middle East and North Africa, and Central Asia who have a demonstrated interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields…[more]
EDP Energy Access Fund: Offering up to € 100,000
Deadline: 10-Jan-21
Registration for the 3rd edition of the EDP Energy Access Fund is now open to guide the programs and activities of social responsibility of the company…[more]
Teach For India Fellowship Program 2021-2023: Join the Movement
Deadline: 17-Jan-21
The Teach For India Fellowship Program 2021-2023 has been launched for India’s brightest and most promising individuals, from the nation’s best universities and workplaces, to serve as full-time teachers to children from underserved communities in some of the nation’s most under-resourced schools…[more]
2021 Study of U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Student Leaders – Slovakia
Deadline: 11-Jan-21
The U.S. Embassy in Bratislava and the Slovak Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce Summer 2021 Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) which is intensive five–week academic programs whose purpose is to provide groups of undergraduate student leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills…[more]
Cameroon: Submit Applications for Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP)
Deadline: 31-Mar-21
The Embassy of Japan in Yaounde is seeking applications for the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP)…[more]
Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGP) Programme
Deadline: 26-Feb-21
The Embassy of Japan in South Africa has launched the Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGP) Programme to assist Non-Profit Organisations (NPO’s) and local authorities by supporting relatively small development projects which have a direct and immediate impact on the well-being of disadvantaged communities at the grass-roots level…[more]
Small Grants to improve Living Conditions in Communities (Guinea)
Deadline: 15-Oct-21
The U.S. Embassy in Conakry provides small grants to registered self-help groups, community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, and certain educational institutions. The objective is to aid groups to develop projects that improve living conditions in their communities…[more]
Bennelong Foundation launches April 2021 Grant Round – Australia
Deadline: 5-Feb-21
The Bennelong Foundation has launched the April 2021 Grant Round to enhance community wellbeing and provide opportunities for positive and lasting change in community…[more]
Philip Henman Trust offering Grants to UK- based Charities
Deadline: 10-Sep-21
The Philip Henman Trust is offering Grants to major UK- based charities, who are concerned with long-term overseas development and who require partnership funding for projects lasting between three and five years…[more]
Samoa: 2021 Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects
Deadline: 31-Jan-21
The Embassy of Japan in the Independent State of Samoa has announced a call for proposals for 2021 Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGP)…[more]
2021 Alumni Grant Scheme: Round 1
Deadline: 25-Jan-21
Do you have an idea or initiative that can create a positive impact on your profession or community? If yes, then apply now for 2021 Alumni Grant Scheme (AGS) Round 1…[more]
U.S. Embassy in Guyana: Small Grants Program
Deadline: 30-Jun-21
The U.S. Embassy Georgetown Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program…[more]
U.S. Embassy Harare: Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program (Zimbabwe)
Deadline: 30-Sep-21
The U.S. Embassy Harare Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program…[more]
Small Scale Projects for Indian and Bhutanese NGOs: Call for Proposals
Deadline: 31-Jan-21
The German Diplomatic and Consular Missions in India has launched Small Scale Projects to provide direct financial assistance to Indian and Bhutanese NGOs and religious institutions for the implementation of small-scale projects for the benefit of disadvantaged groups of society…[more]
Children’s Home Foundation Fund offering Grants ranging $1,500 – $6,000 (United States)
Deadline: 1-Feb-21
The Children’s Home Foundation Fund has been announced which is a fund of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, is to provide aid to economically disadvantaged children in Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry counties…[more]
Apply Now for the Australia Day Foundation UK Trust
Deadline: 30-Apr-21
The Trust offers financial support to young Australian’s resident abroad or in the United Kingdom who are to undertake to further their education or career in the United Kingdom in any field of endeavor including education, business, sports, arts and culture and professions…[more]
Call for Applications for Research on School Meals Projects in Africa
Deadline: 15-Jan-21
The United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) and the United States Agency for International Development Africa Bureau (USAID/AFR), have announced a call for applications for the Research on School Meals Projects in Africa…[more]
UNOPS offering grants to NGOs in Mali: Call for Proposals
Deadline: 5-Jan-21
The UNOPS Peace and Security Cluster invites interested and eligible applicants to apply for a Call for Proposals (“CFP”) for the grant project: Strengthening national humanitarian mine action capacity through the implementation of Explosive Ordnance Victim Assistance Activities (VA), Emergency Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and First Aid Training in the northern regions of Mali…[more]
Community Spirit Awards: Call for Nominations (Ireland)
Deadline: 21-Dec-20
Nominations are now open for the Community Spirit Awards to support the development of new projects, grow services and help raise community spirit in the local community…[more]